Barefoot wanderer, Stelth Ulvang in SA

Ettione Ferreira With a guitar wrapped around his body, Stelth Ulvang stomps his bare feet on the stage while singing his Indie-folk medleys. On Thursday 11 June 2015, Ulvang delighted Grahamstown with his eclectic sounds at the Lowlander bar. A perfect rustic venue with woodchips scattered across the floor, complimenting the “barefoot wanderer”, as heContinue reading “Barefoot wanderer, Stelth Ulvang in SA”

Carina Truyts makes cooking easy and fun in Yum-mo

Ettioné Ferreira With the official launch on 19 May 2014 of the cookbook Yum-mo! around the corner, Carina Truyts prepares to show South Africans on a budget an easier and cheaper way of cooking. The launch will be at the University of Pretoria with the help of the Honours marketing class who did their semester project onContinue reading “Carina Truyts makes cooking easy and fun in Yum-mo”